Advanced Readers Wanted!

To anyone—hardcore reader or otherwise—interested in getting and reading an ARC (advance reading copy) of 24 HOURS OF THE PHOENIX in exchange for an honest review on Amazon (You loved it? Great! You didn’t? I still want to see your review on Amazon!) and a Paperback signed copy, please contact me.

Only requirements: having an Amazon account, being okay with reading on Kindle (whether device or phone/tablet app), and reading the book before the last week of October.

How it will work?

  1. Sign in to your Amazon account and go to “Your content and devices.” Go to “Personal Document Settings” under “Preferences.” In the “Approved Personal Document E-mail List” add my email address (I will provide it to you).
  2. Once it’s done, give me your send-to-kindle email address which can be found in the settings of your device and I will send your copy directly to your favorite device.
  3. Read the book (about 280-300 pages) before the last week of October and have your review ready.
  4. When the ebook is available on Amazon, pre-order it (for as low as $0.99). It has to be purchased, it’s the only way your review will be labeled as “Verified purchase” and not considered biased.
  5. After 24 HOURS OF THE PHOENIX is released, wait a couple of days and send your review to Amazon (as well as Goodreads if you have an account). Don’t worry, I’ll remind you to do it! 😀
  6. Tell me when it’s done and send me your mailing address.
  7. Wait a few days and your signed paperback copy shall be in your mailbox.
  8. I will be eternally grateful.

Why the trouble, you may ask?

True, I won’t gain anything, not financially anyway; I’ll even lose money. But what I will gain is visibility: reviews can get you higher in the Amazon charts, and the luckiest highest ranked are also mentioned in their newsletter. So for a new author like me, it’s crucial.

But what if I don’t like it?

Everything is possible; it’s a very subjective matter. In that case, you’ll have lost a few hours and $0.99. And as I said, I still want to read your review on Amazon, I’m not kidding!

But of all the beta readers who have read it, less than 10% didn’t like it. So I’m confidently saying to you: you won’t. (And no, I did not know all my beta readers, far from it.)